Self Improvement
Our lives are richer and more fulfilled when we take proactive steps to make them so. We can do this in both big and small ways.
How to Spin Your Fate: On Habits and Self-Control
In order to form lasting habits and change in ourselves we must first understand who we are and confront our limits.
The Paradox of Travel: Why We Need to Leave Home to Love It
In order to more objectively see ourselves and the place we call home, we must first leave it – by physical or armchair travel.
Beauty, Nature, and the Art of “Unselfing”
“Unselfing” is the term the philosopher Iris Murdoch uses to describe how both nature and art can make us better, more virtuous people.
The Benefits (and Pitfalls) of Travel
Travel has many perks but also hidden pitfalls as well. How much travel benefits us will depend on the type of people we are to begin with.
Is It Bad to Watch TV?
We worry a lot about “screen time” when it comes to kids. But what are the long-term hidden effects on our own personal growth?
Is It Good to Be Alone? The Paradox of Solitude
Solitude is a paradoxical concept: many of us shun it for fear of loneliness, yet in so doing we miss out on its remarkable benefits.
Why Regret Is (Actually) Good for Us
Regret doesn’t always have to be a negative thing. In fact, it’s a valuable tool for improving our lives.
Flow: A Superpower for Every Day of Your Life
Cultivating a flow state is about far more than improving your skill at something. It contains the keys to happiness itself.
How Beauty and Design Shape Your Happiness
How much do the spaces we live and work in affect our happiness?