Join the “Nousletter”

  • Newsletter. [nooz-let-er]. n.  a report or a bulletin, sent out to the members of a certain society (or blog). 
  • Nous. [noose]. n. a word in Greek philosophy for “light,” and “intellect.”

Every week, I share exclusive updates, inspiration, and (occasional) surprises with those who have joined my Nousletter. 

I do this by keeping you in the loop about new content, and I also share weekly food for thought and sometimes even “behind the scenes” insights that outside visitors to the blog don’t know about.

But that’s not quite all…

You’re also invited to be a part of the conversation. Each week I also send out a question for you to ponder, and you can reply directly with your own thoughts.

Plus, any outstanding questions or comments you have on the topic of living a meaningful life are welcome anytime. (And there’s a good chance I’ll be using them in my research for future articles).

The Nousletter is delivered every Friday, by the way.

You can join by submitting a question below. Your questions, your responses, and your perspective help to fuel this site. They ensure that the things I research and write about will be all the more helpful and interesting.

PS. I should probably also mention that the Nousletter is free, and always will be. Just in case you were wondering.

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